Sunday, November 13, 2011

Not all angels have wings.

Sometimes my life surprises me. Alot of times, those surprises are for good, but occasionally they are unwanted and unwelcome surprises. is then, in those moments of un -surety and heartache that I find the quiet angels in the background of my life. Sometimes those angels are not angels at all, but just people who emulate the light of God and heaven.
This week, I found many of my friends to be angels, just as they always are. Somehow, they always seem to know EXACTLY what I need. I will forever be thankful for the fact that I can send a text message, in the middle of the night asking for answers to questions and, in return I will receive more love and support than some people ever know. I will forever be thankful for the fact that I receive cookies by the dozens, when my friends hear of anything troubling me at all! And i will forever be thankful for the fact that sometimes we have deep spiritual conversations in the middle of our extremely molly-Mormon parties.
I know God loves me, because if he didn't I wouldn't have all of these people in my life. They are a testimony to me that despite the fact that my problems are minuscule in comparison with a huge percentage of the world, and I'm not starving, or freezing or suffering as so many are. Christ still knows me, still loves me and what matters to me, matters to him.


  1. I am greatful for the angels in your life too. So many who have watched over you and given you the strength to keep going and helped you through the hard times. The Lord does LOVE you and is always there for you. That you can always be certain of. I LOVE you too. I hope that someday I will be one of those angels.

  2. Kylie, You are fabulous! :) I love this post. A lot. It made me remember. How many angels I have in my life.
