Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sleep deprivation:)

How many teenagers do you know that would say operating on 3 hrs of sleep daily is a good thing?...probably not many...and usually not me at all, however it is lovely to report that this week has been a beautiful exception! You see this week, I had the fantastic opportunity to go to the temple not only 1 time, but 2 whole times with my dear friends! (ok technically it was only 1 and a half times, but the lack of communication skills between teenage girls is not going to be discussed on this little blog of mine:) this week has been the greatest thing that's happened for me in a very long time! I've been happier, closer to the spirit and so much more at peace with every little thing that is happening in my life! Great little epiphany eh? Go to the temple and you will be uplifted...obvious right? So why on earth did it take me forever to figure that one out?!
Morals of the story: don't forget to take advantage of the fact that we live in Utah! Some people sale everything they own just to go once! It costs us nothing to go except a couple hours out of our day! Si, go often! There is work to be done!:)
But much more importantly, if you seek the Lord you WILL find him. He wants to help us more than anything, but it's up to us to take that first step, sacrifice time and energy and talents for him,and he will answer all of your prayers.
He defiantly answered mine through my amazing friends this week, so may I just say, for the millionth time on here how much I love them! I love that when we asked if anyone wanted to go to the temple, they all said yes. I love that it's not even a question when they're asked to skip lunch for a seminary lunchside! And even love that one of them just texted a scripture to me! ( way to be a stud Trevor;) thank you a million tomes to all my friends, for being who they are, and who they are, are the best, and strongest people I know! Love you all!:)

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