Friday, March 16, 2012

Blank Stares at blank pages.

What's better than a general authority? ....A German general authority obviously! And when the GA in question is president Uchtdorf you can pretty much expect lovely! There's this darling little talk he gave that I am quite nearly obsessed with, the talk is, "happily ever after" I countinually find little flecks of gold that I have never encounterd even after the seventy billionth time of reading it! Today I read yet again the words,

"Your own wonderous story has already begun, your once upon a time is now!!"...

I was thinking about that. About just how much more I have to do and accomplish in this life, and about how many more beautiful and wonderous experiences I will have, and how many great people I will meet. I thought about the parts of my story that have already been written. They weren't all happy chapters but they were nessasary, because with out them, my ending would be different. And I would be a much different character!

Once, during a particularly nasty bit of life, Noah told me, "God has a plan for all of us and this is just a part of it."

Maybe, we all need to have faith, faith that God has written an even better story than we are writing for ourselves. And also faith to live that story out. When we do that, not only do we make our own lives a story worth telling, but we will also help lead others to their happy endings.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said! Such a wise and wonderous writer you are
