Monday, October 18, 2010

Hiding in the bushes!

So I basically have an amazing life!! Beyond Amazing! But I have one issue. Its a major, major issue! So my entire life has been documented: this has braught much enjoyment to me and others over the last couple of weeks..however I learned something about myself that I did not want to know and that is , just this small fact.. IM. A. STALKER.! A major, major stalker!! Why, oh why did I at age 8 feel the need to write about a certain young mans personal hair style choices? Why did I know about other peoples love lifes!! Why did I have a complete description of my future wedding with someone who didnt even know me from Adam? I dont know! Honestly, I dont!! Since making this discovery I began to realize the totally stalker things I do even still! I do not mean to do these things! Im just naturally a creeper! Ugh please tell me it is normal to talk about a guy friends muscles at 4:01 a.m, please tell me it is normal to notice the width of someones neck! Please tell me its normal to just happen to know where an aquantance who lives no where close to me and is not neccasarily a friend lives! PLEASE tell me it is normal to know exctly where and what time of the week your neighbor goes grocery shopping! I would love to hear that these things are ok..but, I know they are not ok! They are creepy and you should all be closing your blinds just in case!!


  1. Dear Kylie,
    You make me laugh so hard. I love you and your amazing personality so much, and it totally made my day when I read this post. But it does sound totally stalkerish, now I am afraid, because you live in like seriously close walking distance to my house. I think I will close my blinds. :)
    Jk Anyway, I am Parker's stalker, so don't worry. We can be stalker friends together. (No one but the sisters got that, sorry...)

  2. haha yes only certain people understand any of my blog posts!:)haha well Lesh I guess we can have fun stalking together! I wil help you stalk Parker!! me and Maddie are very good at that! I love it! STALKER FRIENDS!:)

  3. I think I probably stalk him more than even you do Lesh! I mean, I truly don't mean too! As you said, things like this just happen ;)
