Thursday, October 7, 2010

Only Us!

So , talk to any person on the planet and I'd bet my right hand they will tell you that they have the greatest friends.!.....well I hate to break it to the 99.99999999% of you who aren't me, but FALSE I totally have the greatest friends!! We pretty much random things and we can be super awkward but that is what makes us so amazing!
Well today in flex, a couple of us decided to make a list of fake attractive guys and leave it somewhere so that other people would find it and be very confused.:) Upon entering fourth period I got approached by a person who is unfortanant enough to be in our same grade and deal with us every day! " Kylie", she said, " Do you have a yellow highlighter?" " " No, why" " o.k which one of your friends has a yellow highlighter?", " What are you talking about?" (and then their was this serious dramatic pause as she pulls outTHE LIST! )" I found this, its written in yellow highlighter and Right when I saw it I knew it had to be one of your friends.... Only you guys would do that!".
Sad as it is, she was right only we would do that!!:)

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