Sunday, April 17, 2011

blogging aka love:)

Day 12!!!

So blogging is kind of my favorite thing in the whole wide world! Recently my blog has been...whats the word? PESSIMISTIC!! ANNOYING! DEPRESSING! Yes I think all of those work! These posts make me annoyed at myself or the really emotional over-dramatic version of myself that is!  in the past my blog was a fantastic happy place that I LOVED now I think I wouldn't mind if I just deleted all of these stupid words....but I wont! I SOOOOO wont! If I couldn't blog I think I would go INSANE!!! So Thank you to my dearest Madison Amelia ( I dont actually think I can spell her middle name!) Giselle Hyde for having the cutest blog in the whole wide world and making me wish I too, could be that cool and put words together as cutely as she does! I have yet to accomplish that....but I will continue to try! :)

Friday, April 15, 2011


Dear utah,
I hate you! You are a cold, dark, dreary place with no Micky Mouse, no beach and no fancy palm tree's with the cris-cros bark! I'm sorry but I think its over between us and I am just going to stay here with my new love!
Its not me, its You!