Monday, December 26, 2011

Shut Up Jeff.....

You know those great and epic moments in movies when something huge or dramatic happens and there's that song in the background, magnifying the intensity of the situation? Sometimes, in real life I feel like there should be music sorrounding certain moments. And lately I feel like this great and terrible man named Jeff Leblanc is narrerating my life!  He's become like another conscience to me! Literally every conversation I'm a part of, every decision I make, every good and bad moment I have, the tiny jeff in my mind starts singing,  and he mocks me, and he scares me with how much he knows It's like he's always watching me and rubbing my life in my face with his stupid songs. Except that there's no such thing as a stupid Jeff Leblanc song, because he only sings amazing songs with his amazing voice!!! Thanks Mands for discovering him with me, too bad he couldn't sign my ticket with my lipstick:)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

the night.

So probably you all wouldn't expect this of a major girlie girl diva like me, but I kind of adore the NBA,  more specifically I kind of adore the Utah Jazz:) so when Wendy called me up and invited me too a Jazz scrimmage I didn't hesitate for a brief moment! But sweet naive little me forgot to realize that nights with Wendy, NEVER go as planned!!!
   It all started at Rodezio grill. The most boy-ish Restaurant EVER! Although I didn't dare protest outwardly in front of my dear auntie who was paying.....on the inside I was groaning because who wants to eat all that meat?? But don't worry dear friends, boy restaurant's tend to higher boys, and in the case of this lovely grill it appears they only let the hot ones work there! Syd, Quinn and I may have gawked a lot at "glazed ham man" and even more at  "beefy beef dude" but nobody loved it all as much as our oh so protective and way cooler than us older brother, who was torn between embarrassment and anger, poor kid, he couldn't even enjoy his pineapple!
    So onward we went to probably the most amazing scrimmage in the history of scrimmages! After screaming alot and rejoicing at Jeremy Evans, Enos Kanter and Memo's lovely return. We should have gone home, but NO lets just go to the outward est out door mall called gateway in the 20 degree's of weather and freeze eh? .....lets just say I didn't get home til 1:30 a.m in the morning.
Moral of the story: Wendy is cool and adventures are great...and also the Jazz are going to dominate this year:)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Kaylie Oh Kaylie.....

South America is pretty much the luckiest Continent ever. It gets the immense honor of receiving  a visit from this great little family called the Batholomew's for the next 2 weeks. Yes friends, Kay is going to be gone for TWO WEEKS!!! No big deal rite?, umm HUGE deal! I'm only on day one of my Bartholomew-less time and I'm already on the verge of tears! I have picked up my phone literally fifty six times today with the intention of sending a txt or dialing the number of Miss Laielle, only to realize that my efforts are all in vain, because service will be a non-existent thing for her for the next 14 days, and I will have to laugh at the many things that remind me of her and our lovely private jokes all on my lonesome! I know you are all feeling awful  for me rite about now, because you all know that you would also have a much less jolly Christmas break without your besties too So Miss "BTW I'm leaving tomorrow on a Cruise for two weeks", when you get back and see this you will know that your dear friend loves and misses you VERY much Come back soon and bring me presents!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mrs. David Archuleta

That my friends, is my future name. Someday Cupid will introduce us and we will live happily ever after! Mr. and Mrs. David and Kylie Archuleta! That has a nice ring to it don't you think?:) (don't worry Kay, you can have John:)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Not all angels have wings.

Sometimes my life surprises me. Alot of times, those surprises are for good, but occasionally they are unwanted and unwelcome surprises. is then, in those moments of un -surety and heartache that I find the quiet angels in the background of my life. Sometimes those angels are not angels at all, but just people who emulate the light of God and heaven.
This week, I found many of my friends to be angels, just as they always are. Somehow, they always seem to know EXACTLY what I need. I will forever be thankful for the fact that I can send a text message, in the middle of the night asking for answers to questions and, in return I will receive more love and support than some people ever know. I will forever be thankful for the fact that I receive cookies by the dozens, when my friends hear of anything troubling me at all! And i will forever be thankful for the fact that sometimes we have deep spiritual conversations in the middle of our extremely molly-Mormon parties.
I know God loves me, because if he didn't I wouldn't have all of these people in my life. They are a testimony to me that despite the fact that my problems are minuscule in comparison with a huge percentage of the world, and I'm not starving, or freezing or suffering as so many are. Christ still knows me, still loves me and what matters to me, matters to him.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Wedding bliss!

 I might have been the only one who didn't gawk and stare at kamil as the music changed, I  was  busy looking at colbs  watching his expression fill with joy as his gorgous bride arrived, that is probably the happiest ive ever seen him! And how could he not be happy? He has found two beautiful girls who have agreed to be his wife and daughter! I know that I wasn't the only one who was on the verge of tears when that lovely father daughter dance was occouring...or the only one that did cry when they let jaylee dance with them in their first couples dance:)  We cry because we are so happy that they are finally here!  After everything, they finally have their cute little family together.
            Basically, I'm really proud of Colby and how far he has come! And I'm really excited that Kamil and Jaylee are a part of this crazy family that is the Wades. I think I've said this half a million times in the last three days, but Colby Jordan Brockbank I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Congratulations:)

Sunday, October 30, 2011


" Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain"

Do you wanna know a fact about my life?? The fact is that I tend to be something of a whiner! Crying about things that are out of my control, feeling sorry for my self and being extremely pessimistic! My poor friends hear the "woe is me" stories everyday of their lives! Why they put up with it I will never understand!!! I am like a little kid who cries over the one toy she doesn't have instead  of the billions of toys she does have!! Today however, I learned a lesson from a dear friend of mine named Noah, it's a lesson that I, for some reason have to keep learning over and over again, and it's called  faith! Just like Cinderella was a slave in her own home, just like Belle was forced to live with a beast, just like Rapunzel had to live with an evil witch, I will have my trials, but I believe that someday, some how, I'll find my happily ever after! Until then, I will find the joyous things in my life and be happy because of them! 
Today I am happy that: I have two legs and arms that work, I have a roof over my head, I own Disney movies,  I live in America, and I get to play in the leaves with my dear sisters. What more could you ask for in life? :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Missing this.....

Here we are nearing November and yet my heart is still stuck in the summer days I spent with Noah, Brice, Alaina, Jazzy, Mark, Andrew, Mo, and Lys! Poor Mandy! She hears about how much I love   these guys every single time I get a text from Noah or a letter from Laina! They say time heels all, but really the more time passes, the more I miss these wonderful peeps!  I don't think a day goes by that I don't reflect on the lessons I learned on BYU campass, and the friends who I made and now miss beyond words!!! I love you forever and always my amazing Mountains without hands comp! ( especially you Chad:)

PS: This is jam packed with crazy ISJ's...don't attempt to understand, you never will:)

                                           I LOVE THESE GIRLS!! ( and no Chad you may not have our smoothies!:)
They both held hands! (but not with each other:) ps: Mark you wear cool shirts!
 Brad Willcox!!! He was so cool, we skipped our entire lunch to get into his class and our entire free time to get pictures with him!:)

                             Bryce, Bryce Bryce! Do you remember our walks of silence? I do:)
                                        Hey your hot! Wanna take a picture with us? :)

I love you guys! Always and Forever and Forever!!!

I guess the fact that she's blonde means she's worthy of a poem written by The Chadenator:)

                                                   Laina Baina and Jazzie!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!

Oh......hey Noah:)

baha lets go back for 2012 my dear friends...and this time, we WILL be called mountains without hands:)

Monday, October 24, 2011

The War......

Don't you find this picture attractive?? After all whats not to love about the hundred-year old cold corpse of a man who watches Bella sleep??? baha Sydney Ann, I think you lose this one!


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Bloggers Block

 My brain is telling me that I should  write to you of all the wonderful and amazing happenings in my life, but my fingers won't spill out the worlds! I just sit  behind my computer screen staring blankly as countless posts get stuck with the Draft sticker. It makes no sense! One whole year and 110 posts of documenting my life via blogger and I've forgotten how to blog????  I think I have forgotten!! And so I am still here at 1:00 AM still trying to produce a passage of worth, but still failing! Good thing it's fall break and I can sleep to my hearts content tomorrow:)

Monday, October 17, 2011

You and Me:)

So I know Ive been posting a ton of music video's lately...that is because there is nothing going on in my life that is more exciting or intresting than the amazing songs I'm posting. For those of you who don't know about the band called Parachute...learn of them! They are amazing! Their attractive lead singer and wonderful songs have basically earned them the very esteemed honor of being Kylie's favorite band....they have even risen above Mae, and we all know that's pretty hard to do:) I hope you enjoy these bicycling men as much as I do.:)

Monday, October 10, 2011

My Kind of perfect:)

Oh David, why are you such a stud muffin? :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Be a blessing :)

You all know that I'm quite a lazy girl. I really do mean to do my homework rite when I get home from school, but unexpected events always prevent me from doing such...unexpected events such as a friend coming over...or a song on the radio or a wonderful TV program thats just to good to pass up! That happend on sunday..I'm sure my Geometry homework would have been  a splendid way to spend my time, but Little People Big World was on and watching small people heard cattle is just to entertaining to not watch. I'm sure greatful for that distraction! It truely changed my whole perspective! One of the children of that show, Zac Rauloff to be exact was asked what he wanted to be. He replied " I want to be a blessing." Those poor camera men were very confused. they told him he didn't understand the question, to that he said " thats what I want to be..... a blessing. Someone that others thank God for every day, someone who leaves everyone better then I found them and someone who changes the world one person at a time." Now, I dont cry. I never even shed a tear at girls camp, but that rite there had even my mascara running. I hope one day I'll be an answear to a prayer, I hope one day people feel like they are better for knowing me and I hope one day when I'm gone people can say, " Kylie was a blessing."

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Remember this???

Miss Kylie, I think you just might need to take a page out of your own book!!! Seven months ago I wrote that post with a goal. I promised my self to have faith, real faith and trust in God and his plans. But then life hit and I completely forgot to do that! I forgot that Kylie doesn't get to control what happens, no matter how much she wants to! I forgot that everything happens for reasons I don't get to know yet. The future is a beautiful, unpredictable place, and even though I don't know when or how everything I'm struggling with is going to get sorted out, I know God loves me and he'll make it happen some how:)

Hey You.

                                           Hey you.......

Yes you. Stop being unhappy with yourself. You are perfect. Stop wishing you looked like someone else or wishing people like you as much as they like someone else. Stop trying to get attention from those that hurt you. Stop hating your body, your face, your personality, your quirks. Love them. Without those things you wouldn't be you. And why would you want to be anyone else? Be confident with you who you are. Smile. It'll draw people in. If anyone hates you because you are happy, don't waste your sweet time on them. My happiness will not depend on others anymore. I'm happy because I love who I am. I love my flaws. I love my imperfections. They make me me. And "me" is pretty amazing.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

My One Desire!

See that beauty of a man at the end? His name is Nick Carter, his name is also Kylie's soul mate! It was basically love at first sight when I watched this video at the age of six. I don't know why Cupid is taking so long to introduce us,  but I know when he does, Nick will feel our love instantly and he will serenade me with this wonderous song! haha I love the Backstreets with all that I am!:)

Monday, September 19, 2011

The beauty queen.....

See that hottie-bo-dottie in the middle there? yeah that woman of astonishing beauty is--well technically she's my aunt but as the word aunt implies some sort of distantly related chick who you see once a month at family dinners and who only calls you on your birthday....aunt is really the wrong word.  For blogging purposes I will call her my older sister, in all reality thats what she is! The big sister I never had!:) now, the purpose of this blog is not to decifer her title, it's to tell you how amazing and wonderful that woman is! I mean literally she is kind of the epitome of greatness! How many of you have aunts who take you to disneyland...twice. and pay for everything? How many of you have aunts who give you wicked tickets and allow you to invite friends to come along just for fun...and how many of you have aunts that invent really cool jokes and are just plain a blast to be around? I DO! I love that woman to death and I don't know where I would be if she wasnt there for me! So Wendy, I just wanted to say thank you! Thank you for taking all of my phone calls and for making my days so much brigheter! Thank you for filling my childhood with so many memories and for loving me so unconditionally! And thank you for letting me see your Miss Universe pagent VIA facebook it made my life. the end.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Stalking in the first degree.

My name is Kylie and I am a stalker. Not a followy...hiding in the bushes creeper stalker. Just a mild stalker. A blogger stalker to be specific. I realize that if those whom I was stalking realized my presence on their website, they may  feel very creep ed out. Those  poor blog author's may never know about the strange teenager who reads the writings of friends of friends of friends..Continuously clicking on names under blog lists until she can no longer remember how she got there in the first place.... Poor friends of mine...their every move and thought that has been documented via blogger is probably etched into my head permanently.  But I can't help it! Blogs of friends...blogs of strangers...I find them all fascinating gems that ought to be explored. After all what good is a blog that goes unread? 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Some sunshine:)

 Right now, I am is pretty cool! My team just won another game! ( considering my team is Lehi and we didn't win a single game for two years...that is a very big deal!:) and besides that, did you know I have a little sister who stays up with me until 2:00 a.m watching whinnie the Pooh? And another one who goes " Hotty boy hunting" with me via TV? ( The boy crazy one is only look out future studs:) tee hee midnight jam sessions with my self and Harry-Potter-themed wars in P.E basically make me go out of control and crazy....not that im ever in control or normal but it gets even worse! i love Lehi, and purple microphones...I love Tangled and the magical qualities Repunzel's hair possesses and I love girl talk ( Thanks Chanel:) Evidently  I just love  my life and everything and everyone in it!

            "The weather doesn't have to be nice for your life to be filled with sunshine" :) :) :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011


So lately, I've been feeling bad for myself alot, counting the things I dont have instead of counting my blessings. I've been a mess, blaming others for why I'm feeling the way that I am, and hiding under a rock instead of living my life, all because of some ridiculous little family complaints and high school drama.  Meanwhile: my cousing Brandon, "Paka" Wade who was diagnosed with autism when he was two, has been dealing with something much worse than I could ever even imagine. In June Brandon fell off of a bus in the middle of a highway, he was hospitalized, and his mind was further damaged. He has basically had to start over and re-learn everything he has been working on his whole life. I'm sure you can imagine how hard this would be on him and his family,given that teaching him was already an extremely difficult task before the accident. Even so,  the Wade's are tough, they still keep optimism and faith and never stop to feel bad for themselves or complain. I love him and his family so much and they are truely great examples and hero's in my eyes!  READ THIS

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A little fish in a big pond

Once upon a time, I was six years old, I had a super great babysitter who was a sophmore in high school, every day I would ask her any question my little mind could conjure up about boys, lockers, dances and everything else that seemed cool and glamerous about teenage life. I could barely wait to start high school, I just wanted to grow up, to walk in big high school hallways and have teenage responsibilities.  Fast forward nine years, now I'm here, telling little girls I babysit about the life of a Lehi high school tenth grader, a life which I only just started last week. High school definatly isn't the dreadful  place my parents make it out to be, but it's certainly not glamorous and easy either. This thing which is often associated with high school called peer pressure is more prevelent in my life then I ever would have dreamed. It's a constant battle within myself. Should I do what I'm being told is fun and OK by  "cool" people and cute boys, just lower the standerds I've set for myself a tiny little bit so that I feel accepted and approved of...or should I just walk away and stand alone instead of standing with people who want me to change? It sounds like an easy answear on paper, but when your in a classroom our at a party it seems impossible to make the choices you want to make.
  Today, I was reminded kindly by a young man I have always admired, that it's not ok to change who you are for anyone elses benefit. The best friends you could ever ask for are the ones, that have the courage to wak away, the ones who only want to build you up and who would never dream of drinking or dressing immodestly or even swearing. Today as I sat around a familliar tree, I knew for a fact, that those are the kind of friends that I have, and the only kind of friends who are true friends, I hope I can become more like them as continue to get through these next few years:)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

EFY 2011.

I was going to be really cool and have a fancy blog post about EFY complete with the millions of pictures and video's that I obsessivly took. unfortanately, I realized that, that is a pipe dream, for I am not kaden or Lesha or Maddie or jazzy and i haven't the slightest clue how to upload pictures or how to be a cute blogger!

I cant show you all of the great things that occured this week. However, I will tell you. I will tell you that the time I spent on BYU campass changed my life in permanant and unexplainable ways! I will tell you that the people I met there have truely become brothers and sisters to me, and I will tell you that they will never be forgoten because they are some of the best friends I have ever had, and their testimonies truely made me want to be a better person.

Thank you for all of the wonderful laughs and cries this week Stand forever! I know that we were placed in each others lives for divine reasons. I'm so glad I know you all and that we experienced this amazing week together!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

It All Ends.

I've felt this  meloncholy feeling before. The feeling that there is a whole in my head and in my heart that was once filled with three little wizards that I love way to much! Three wizards who were fighting off  you know who and playing quitich and all sorts of ultra cool things. I finished the last  book  a year ago and  the only thing I had to keep me from going through Harry withdrawls, was the fact that they were still making movies about his adventures. As of last night, I have  nothing left of Harry Potter to absorb! It is surely the end of an era! Since I was Eight years old, Ive read and watched that magical wizard boy,  As I grew up, so did Harry, Ron and Hermoine ( or however you spell that silly girls name:) . As  dumb and nerdy as this is, I'm going to miss Harry Potter very very much!

( Does this post totally bring out my inner nerd?:)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kell Bell,

Sweetie I miss you more then you'll ever know! I hope I can follow the beautiful example you've set for don't choose your situation but you choose happiness! You inspired me each and every day of your life,  and I wish I could see you now, but dont worry! I'm ok! I know I'll see you soon! Love ya hon!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Its an obsession!

 This one little story called The Last Song   is the epitomy of girlie and ridiculous. It is something that a man can never watch or read because when he does, his man gets ground up  into a million little bits! I'm sorry Nicholas Sparks! But you have no man card! You wrote this great and terrible story that's all about love and life a relationships. I would not recomend it to any man and am a little embarresed to admit how throroghly intriged I am with that story.. But because I am a girl  and am girlie and ridiculous and I get all kinds of bored on these slow summer days, I open it up time after time and read it over and over! I did that again last night... I read it for what has to be the millionth time. I spent seven hours of my life staring at the words on the pages of the book and another two watching the movie. In case you were wondering......I cried many times during both. I shouldn't love it as much as I do. I shouldn't secretly wish that I could walk along the beach with Will and go to Megan's super formal wedding. I also shouldn't go into a depression every time I read or watch Steve's death . But in the deepest, most secretive corner of my heart, All I want is for Ronnie and will to stay together and all I want is for Jonah not cry! Even more than that...ALL I want is Will Blakelee!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Life Comes At Ya Fast!!!

Catipillar in the you wonder what you'll be............
Once upon a time Kimmee, Kj, Colby, Britney, Jeff, Corbin ,Kade and I were just little kids. We played on grandpa's unusually large trampoline and ran from various animals in the feild. Now, Kjirsten is a married woman, and just a few months away from being a mom too! Jeff is one of the top ranked volly ball players in the world! They have come a long way from being those kids I used to know.   In a year my brother will be moved out of the house and on his own. You have no idea how strange that feels.
        I too, am growing up faster then I ever could have imagined. In a month and a half I will walk into Lehi high school. HIGH SCHOOL! Remember being little and watching movies about high school, thinking that those kids were so grown up? Well how come I dont Feel so grown up? How come the idea of driving and dating scares the jeepies out of me!!! It does!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

mmk! It wasn't ALL spiritual! luv ya Bull River Ward!

OK! Having basically my own blog and bantering about my life is kind of extremely dorky! But I decided I feel fine about that simply because So many great and marvelous things have happened in my life at girls camp! They DESERVE to be blogged about! But there is also the fact that nobody else really cares and will most like question my sanity Nevertheless I just might die if I don't say.....
Anne my darling, you are HUMOROUS :)...Na'ama tells really cool clam stories....(they are much funnier at 1 a.m) ( All You have to do is love me....AWW)...     HILLARY WEEKS IS AT MY GIRLS CAMP! ....  watermelon Greens are....edible!(Cera and I had a Watermelon named Gracumber:)   Laurel really is a lawyer...sometimes, she even swears:)...Hey Becky Childs, lets do the hustle on account of we're eating breakfast right now! Testimony meeting in the pavilion? nah do it in the kitchen!  avilion?....nah! lets    EPINS!!!!!... Mom strict leader lady!!!!....My mom... she loves me!Your mom's a Nazi???!!!!Did you just throw the bread at me?!  I've  got a feeling, that tonight's going to be a good night!....I love your eyebrows!   Girls, don't forget to put ice in (yeah:)-Cheryl I LOVE YOU!
( And So much more!!!!! we are B.R we are B.R we are B.R ONE!!!!!!!!!! I sure love you guys!!!!)

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Mr. Johnson,
this post is for you! I know I don't visit you enough, i dont call you enough, I don't say THANK YOU enough! and I don't buy you enough tim-tams or (diet) Mountain dew:) I'm awful  to you and yet, you don't hessitate for half a second to answear my phone calls at 11 at night, to make time for me in your super busy schedule and  to be at every single drama performance and dance recital in my silly life! Thank you for beleving in the insecure little eleven year old that could barely add! thank you for teaching me nearly everything I know about not only academics, but about love and life and God.  I know Im only one of thousands of lives you've touched and will continue to touch! Its not weird that your former students are at your house! It's not weird that we text and it's not weird that I know every amazing member of your family, because your not my teacher or my former teacher, you are like family! Thank you for deep talks, thank you for helping me see my strengths, thank you for telling me when I'm being an idiot, thank you for jam sessions thank you for daily jokes, thank you for being one person in my life to be there for me unconditionally!  And you will be there when I graduate high school, you'll be there when I get married and you'll be present in my life forever! I don't think I know anyone else who can say they gained a family in sixth grade!  Thank you! I know those two words are weak and small compared to all you do for me but THANK YOU THANK YOU  THANK YOU  a million and six times!    

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Laughing til you have HOT abs!:)

These are some of my most favorite jokes ever! They count as excersise! Cuz laughing is excersise dont ya know! ( Thanks auntie wendy for providing like 80% of these!

"Mike was over an hour late for work. His boss exclaimed, YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN HERE AT 8:30, confused Mike looked back at him and said, " Why what happend at 8:30?"

"Bob was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was really mad. She told him Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in thedriveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE !!The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway.Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, broughtthe box back in the house.She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale."....yeah I know that one is awful!(:

" What does a ten thousand foot chicken say?........BAAAAAAAAAAK!(:

" what's big and green and if it falls out of a tree it will kill  you?............ A pool table!"

" 2 guys walked into a bar.....the third one ducked"

and finally, my favorite joke told by my dear baby sis Kayla, " Why did the chicken cross the road?"....."Cuz all the other chickens were doing it!"

Monday, May 2, 2011


Day 24!!!
What do you think of your friends?.... umm  Mr. man who wrote the blogger challenge I hate to break it too you but that is an extremely stupid question! I mean honestly if I didn't love my friends to death, they wouldn't be my friends!!  Now i think that  this blog is full of memories of and gratitude towards the group of silly buddies that I spend 99% of my time with...I love them more then life itself...probably! Honestly, I'm going to forever be grateful for the people I spent this year with, I know we probably won't stay in touch forever and we probably won't be a major part of each other's lives even a year from now, but each of you has braught something unique and beautiful to my life that I will never ever forget! I love you! and it only sort of helps that my abs always hurt from laughing so hard at the end of a party! And that we do silly things that nobody else would get! ofcourse there are many but Here are some of the things only my friends would laugh at:
                                                                                    The kids in a tree...get it?:)



Sunday, April 17, 2011

blogging aka love:)

Day 12!!!

So blogging is kind of my favorite thing in the whole wide world! Recently my blog has been...whats the word? PESSIMISTIC!! ANNOYING! DEPRESSING! Yes I think all of those work! These posts make me annoyed at myself or the really emotional over-dramatic version of myself that is!  in the past my blog was a fantastic happy place that I LOVED now I think I wouldn't mind if I just deleted all of these stupid words....but I wont! I SOOOOO wont! If I couldn't blog I think I would go INSANE!!! So Thank you to my dearest Madison Amelia ( I dont actually think I can spell her middle name!) Giselle Hyde for having the cutest blog in the whole wide world and making me wish I too, could be that cool and put words together as cutely as she does! I have yet to accomplish that....but I will continue to try! :)

Friday, April 15, 2011


Dear utah,
I hate you! You are a cold, dark, dreary place with no Micky Mouse, no beach and no fancy palm tree's with the cris-cros bark! I'm sorry but I think its over between us and I am just going to stay here with my new love!
Its not me, its You!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

As Sisters in Zion / We'll Bring the World His Truth

So I  went to the yw broadcast and this was the song that kept popping into my head. I have been taught and understand that I must do as the lord commands. I need to be like the army of helaman and bring the world his truth. The church is true. Christ lives and loves us

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mae - Just Let Go

So the thing is that Kaden showed me this song because its Kaden and Brookes song:) and I decided it could quite possibly be my favorite song in the whole wide world! :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Girl Time

I love my  whale shoes--I love my eight inch heels! I love that everyone in the entire University mall thinks that my friends are strait up G's who sluff....basically I love anything and everything about my lil shopping trip with Alesha, Allie, Chelea, Kaylie, Maddie, Megan, Natalie oh and Ryan Nieznanski cuz she shows up randomly sometimes...its kind of like wheres waldo;) (  And yes I did alphabatize the names! deal with it kays:)So I was having a major crisis in my life! I had only 5 days left before possibly the biggest event of my ninth grade year...and I did not have the proper attire! Just before I died of frastration at that little fact, I called up my girlies and told them that it was simply an sos and  dont even worry! With nine teenage girls, you dont get bored and you dont go unbeautified:) they came to my rescue like this.
                                                                                      Yes, yes we were on camera thank you very much
                                                                                                                      WHALE SHOES!!!!!

                                                                                                        Maddie Hyde, I love you! the end!

                                                                                     Charlie, Alesha I love you both to death!
                                                                              Stylin' it up!!:)
 Its Chelea......need I say more? haha love you girlie:)

                                                             Yes, we did j-walk for the price of beauty and yes creeper wheelchair man did follow us the whole time!!!

                                                                               platos closet aka heaven in a store!

I love you guys! Legitly I do! Because even though Im going through a wanna-be tom boy phase at the moment, I still need the kind of therapy mony cant buy which is time with just my girl friends to do everything and nothing and be a spaz and have nobody care! ( also thanks Jake for putting up with us:)

Saturday, March 12, 2011


So remember how I used to be anti-jimmer? yeah...its kind of hard to be anti anyone when they make 52 fliipping points in one game! Will somebody just teach me how to Jimmer? Thats all I want in life!

My My!

So Im breaking a major rule rite now! See, we will be going to see MAMA MIA! At Capital theatre, and so we promised not to watch for a few months so that we can be surprised when we see it in real life! Like Im really gonna follow that rule! for those of you havn't watched mama mia! You just need to know that your life is incomplete! rite now, its about 2 in the afternoon I am still in my pj's...and its kind of disgusting! But the thing is, I dont care at all! If Phineas and Pherb can have a do nothing day then kylie can too! So I will stay in my little basement dancing to Super Trooper like a fool and hope nobody is watching! ( my mom and two aunts told me that they will be singing that at my wedding and for some reason I completely believe them:)  I will just stay here  impatiantly anticipating summer time and many many do nothing days, as well an incredible adventure with my Lehi buddies before I leave and start my new adventure! If I randomly break out into song soon, dont worry about it!

Friday, March 11, 2011

just smile

So this last little while I havn't exactly been myself.....I think I just woke up one day and decided I hated life....not because I didn't have the greatest siblings ever....not because my friends became less amazing...not even because I hadn't watched enough Disney movies...just because I wanted to be sad, I wanted to shut down and not work to find joy in my life...I wanted to give in to all the negetive thoughts and feelings and I didn't want to beleve that any of the struggles I was facing would ever come to an end. I did that, not because I liked the way I was feeling, but simply because it was to hard to change it. My life seems to be throwing curve balls at me from every direction. I dont know what will last and what Im going to have to lose soon, I cant even begin to predict what my worlds going to be like in 6 seems that when your name is Kylie Pat Smith, things dont work out like you think they will....ever! And you have to let go and say goodbye more then you want to. I think that was my biggest struggle, I can't control anything..I have no idea if any of my friendships or relationships are going to last and I can't even tell you what high school Ill be at stability rite? thats what I thought but I couldn't have been more wrong! because the scriptures say, " I the lord God am the same, yesterday, today and forever" the one thing in life that will never change or let you down is the savior, no matter what you do he loves you the same--even if I am imperfect he loves me perfectly--even if I am incomplete he loves me completely, and even if i have to go through trials, he wont forget me! He is still Im just going to have faith and TRUST HIM. He's got this! And even if I have to fake it til I make it Im going to keep smiling and finding the little things that make my life worth living to the fullest!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Not Afraid.

Mahatma Ghandi once said, " I never thought of losing, but now that I have--the only thing is to do it well that's my obligation to all the people who believe in me." Right now I feel like I can relate to that. I never thought of losing either. Losing relationships, losing faith, losing stablilty and losing alot of things that I have relyed upon for peace in my life....but I have.

In all honesty, I've probably lost myself in this mountain of change and trials I've been dealing with for this last little while.

Today, i was thinking again of How very alone and afraid I've how very alone and afraid I've been feeling, It was at that moment that I thought of the beautiful scripture in Joshua 1:9,

" Have not I commanded thee, be strong and of a good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord, thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest"

Be not afraid? How could I not be afraid? I am at an all time low. At any moment everything could change, nothing is certain, and I cant control my future. So how exactly can I be "Strong and Couragous"?
I'll tell you how! Because of that beautiful promise, " The Lord, thy God is with thee."

No matter what else changes, one thing that will never change is that the Lord will always love me. He will help me in all things if I just humble myself enough to ask. I don't need to be afraid! He believes in me, and as my obligation to him and all of the other people who beleive in me, I have to lose well! that means not being afraid. That means finding courage and trusting that he will always help me, and trusting that he is always there! He knows me, he knows Im hurting and he WANTS to help me through this. I am greatful to know that and to know of one steady foundation that will never fall.

" Be still my soul, thy best, thy heavenly friend, through thorny ways leads to a joyful end"

Saturday, February 19, 2011


So Who wants to know a story?!:) yeperoo! Thats what I thought! Ok So the protaginist of this story is a girl named Kylie Pat Smith, she was born on febuary the twentieth of ninteen ninty six and she was never quite sure how to spell her birth month!:) when she was two she lived with grandma and grandpa smith and kaden (he is the antagonist by the way) told her that her toy rocking horse was haunted and she could never sleep until she reached the tender age of four!
   Her favorite princess was Belle because Belle had brown hair like Kylie! And on the first day of Kindergarten she told her teacher that her name was kylie Pat Smith Bug, because thats what her father called her for some strange reason! In first grade, she decided her favorite animal was a cat,  in second grade she faked an eye test to get glassas, in third grade she stalked many boys, in fourth grade she formed a rock band with her siblings, in fifth grade she started a dictionary of made up words, in sixth grade she became a twilight fanatic, in seventh grade she changed her mind and in eigth grade, she found peach-o's on the ground! This brings us to the story as it continues presently, I bet you would like to know that in fifteen beautiful minutes that girl will turn fifteen, and because she sort of obsesses over lists, here are fifteen things she will do while she's fifteen!:):
1. Sleep outside.
2. go in a photo booth with friends.
3. buy a fancy stationary!
4. Have a brother date with Kaden and/or Braden
5. Be-dazzel her jeans
6. Go to EFY!:)
7. learn about JFK ( yeah Quinny thats just for you doll!:)
8. learn to play a hymn on her favorite thing called the piano!:)
9. buy a Justin Beiber CD
10. Wear a totally Neon outift!
11. say positve things about Jimmer.
12. Write a song about hazel eyes.
13. Go scarf shopping ( HA! Now that it's on the list... it has to happen:)
14. Finish the D&C, BOM and New Testiment
15. plan a super awesome sweet sixteen:)
This girl is going to have an amazing year! And shes gonna see where her story goes...the one thing thats for sure is that regardless of what happens she will indeed live happily ever after:)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

For Now.

Today I layed in my closet, histarically laughing at what I had just discoverd...I'm sure you've noticed I'm completely and totally a dork! But just in case you havn't,  I did make a list of exactly what my husband would be like...when I was six years old..yep, had a drawing and everything! I was cool huh?:)
      But the reason this was so funny to me wasn't because of how great the list was, or because my beautiful art.  It was because that is so typical Kylie! Having everything planned out before its even close to being here! trying to control the future even though its not up to me.

       For some reason I think I get to plan everyones future and control all of the things that have yet to come. I think I get to know what people are going to feel at certain times and how they will respond to me even though, all that that does is make me have a certain plan in my head, and when reality hits and the plan is not executed the way I had pictured, I get disopointed.

      But the thing is, hevenley father has  made all of the plans for me already. As long as I am righous, everything will go according to his plan!  He doesn't need me to decide what my collage expirience will be like, or what Im doing senior year or how my next audition is going to go, because he has it covered!  Even though it may be hard for me. I need to let go of the desire to control everything and just let him worry about it! I mean really, he's got this! All that he needs from me is to have faith that all the things that happen are always for a reason, and he will never deal me anything that I cant handle! I need to worry about being who I need to be now, and trust that, that will benifit my future!

       So Im done now! I dont need to worry about the things that are distant and out of my control! I just need to worry about  Kylie Pat Smith, the ninth grader at Lehi Jr. High school who ADORES her siblings and has the greatest friends on the planet! The girl who willingly practices piano for four hours a day and has a secret desire to be serenaded with out of my leage. She is all that I can control rite now and I need to worry about her. I dont need to plan for who she'll be, I just need to better who she is now!

Friday, February 4, 2011


I have never expirienced real misery until I began seventh grade...and what do you ask was the awful event that occured then? Well  it is a continual heartache that never ends until you finish college: you know that thing you have to do at school with all the numbers and letters and formulas and such? The teachers call it math Im pretty sure its satin's launguage because  the only thing worse then math is death rite?  Actually nevermind! You dont have to do math in heaven! What the flip? Why do I need to have 200 problems of homework? Why do I need to take three benchmarks in one week? How could it be midterm, the term just started! Oh yeah and Mr. Thayne, just in case they didnt teach you in your acadamy of  devil: plus a negetive is the same thing as minus! The same thing I tell you, my answears are not wrong! and p.s  smart kid who skipped a level of math and gets A's on every flipping assighnment- I hate you! You are mean, mean young man  for making everyone else look bad!
sorry this is just one of my complain-y posts: Dont worry about it!:)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Things you never knew and never wanted to know:

- One day there WILL be an
-my dog does not have dandruff.
-It takes a really cool person to be able to do the stapler trick.
 - Alesha Hatch will not be married until it is voted on by a certain group of girls.
-My eyes are like mint chocolate chip ice cream. Someday some guy is going to tell me that and I will be like 'yes! Mandy and Alesha!'
-They do have butter in a tub but its better in a stick We have butter issues.
Mandy! Where's Mandy? Mandy!
We should walk around with a notepad.
- I dont know how to make a flower
-if  you slump your shoulders everyone will know all the problems of your life.
 - The best kind  of friendships are the kinds where you can be laughing your head off and then three seconds later, be in serious/deep conversation.
- I love spending time with my besties!
- I love when Mandy blogs.
- Maddie, my love I really hope you get better and that we did something that made you a tiny bit happier today.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

You Are The Music in Me:)

Today I was watching some weird show on netflix and do you know what song it played at the end? Dark Blue by Jacks Manuquin ( I dont think I spelled rite!:) It made my day  first of all because I didnt think anyone else knew that song! but mostly because it reminded me of one of my dearest friends! :) Im really glad that there is music in my life and that when I hear a song, I think of a memory or a person. But just so everyone knows I sing when Im happy! And Im glad all the awesome people in my life have kept me singing:)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Things that make my life!

Sometimes things just make me happy! Plain and simple, I dont know why but they just do!
--I love reading Nicholas Sparks!
   - I love listening to old music specifically " You make My dreams come true" because its a happy song!
- I love weddings! I do watch wedding shows more then is normal!
    - I love wearing high heels, they make me feel official!
- I love making lists!
  - I love little kids movies
- I love pink roses! They are just so pretty!
      - I love having a stash of chocolate coverd marshmellows on  a stick in my pantry!
- I love dancing with my lil sistas and spinning around for hours!
    - I love the color yellow!
-and most of all I love people who watch me do these quirky things and still love me!:)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Life is Good.

So I like to joke about my life being a soap opera or my life being a sitcom...thats because my life hasnt exactly been ideal or normal....then again I guess very few peoples lives really are. Sometimes I'm really frausterated with myself because I can see in my minds eye, exactly who I want to be..but then past events and certain people in my life make me put this wall up, because I'm scared, because Im hurt and because I hate to put myself in a vulnerable position. This last weekend I have been reflecting a little bit on Paul Ridge, suffieced to say, his life was defenatly not ideal or normal either, he was technically the second husband of my great aunt...but to me he was always grandpa. He hadnt exactly had an easy life, he had terrible hearing after coming back from the military, he had alot of personal trials in his life, but you would never know that!The most common phrase he said was, " life is good", and his life was, because he chose for it to be, no matter what was going on with him.  I dont have a single memory of him when he wasnt wearing a smile. I dont have a single memory with him that isnt good, you couldnt be around him and not smile, he carried a spirit of hope and optimism with him that is completely unfathemable. I think it would do me alot of good to be more like him, to smile more, to find joy in small things and to find sweet silver linings in all that happend. I hope that I can overcome the trials I face, with as much grace and hope as him, and I hope that when I leave this earth, people will remember me smiling and loving, the same way I remember my grandpa, and like him, I hope to find good in all people I matter what they may do to me. Someday I hope that someone can blog about me, and that I can be remembered by even step-great-nieces as an example and a courages strong person.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A magic thing.

So Ive always kind of had a fasination with music...k its not a fasination, its more like a complete and total obsession! I will listen to basically anything and be in heaven!
   One thing I recently discovered was just how much I love music...listening to it, and playing it...although I dont know if it could be considered playing just yert:) I have spent the last three hours doing absolutly nothing but attempting cannon by Pachebel ( Im pretty sure thats spelled wrong), on the piano! The piano is a wonderful thing! Your not compared to anyone else, its all you just your talent and your emotions all musically strung together into the songs your playing! When Im sad....I play piano...when Im overjoyed...I play piano..when Im angry...I punch a pillow! just kidding I still play piano!:) And it probably helps that my teacher is awesome...yeah she gives me cookies...I know! Your jealous! and even though I wouldnt consider myself even kind of good at it, Im so glad for the huge, expensive,complicated waste of space...some people call it piano....I call it my therapist, but whatever you call it, its magical, magical I tell you!