Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010!!!!

Oh my gosh I woke up this morning and reallized that this amazing year is ending! Its been fantastic!! Like one of the best years ever! Here are some of the highlights in order:
1: New years day! haha " There's a hobo in your window!":)
2. New begiginings with the original ward! I hate events that ruin my make up!
3. Joseph and The amazing Technicolar Dreamcoat!- I met sooooo many amazing people lots of which are still some of my dearest friends:)
4. WHEATIES- yes wheaties, cookies and cubed fruit!, but you dont understand this unless your name is Timothy Lewis Rollins or Audrey Marie Barron:)
5. Last week Of School!- The beggining of something truly beautiful and demented involving secret oaths, ants in dip and ofcourse..peach-o's!:)
6. EFY- what can I even say? It was amazing!:)
7.Trek- One of the most miserable, tortorus, awesome expiriences ever!
8. Extreme Make Over- Spiritual addition ofcourse! haha click, click slide, Telephone, Hoolio, umm I have leporsy so I get to wear really cool gloves!.Ill stop...this could go on for HOURS:)
9-THE LION KING- aaaah thanks for that one Wend:)
10- Becoming a ninth grader!- Do you have any idea how freaking amazing ninth grade is! I love it!
11- Party group- So being the biggest dorks in the ninth grade, we established a group of about a million people who party basically everyday!:)
12- New Family!- So even tho I didnt actually get to go to the wedding seeing as it was in a helocopter...:) I am glad for Jake, Kayla, Brinny and all the rest of my new family! Love you guys!:)

13- Christmas- Its always the best!

This isnt even like half of them, its just what I could pull out of my memory! Thanks everyone who contributed to this amazing year! It will be an even better 2011!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


So if you've ever seen the sisterhood of the traveling pants, then you have basically done the equivelent of watching  me, Maddie, Allie, Alesha, Mandy and Kaylie for two hours strait, in fact dont even rent the movie, just come to one of our parties and watch!:). I'm not exaggerating guys! We really are that ridiculous in every little detail of our oh so cheezy fourteen year old lives!:)
  Walt Disney is basically our idol----actually he is our complete and total idol We worship him so intensly that we are about three movie nights away from needing to talk to our bishops!:) Some people say that we are young for our age..thats probably because we act like we're five! Oh btw aside from disney our little play dates consist of stalking boys, going to the park and wrighting songs! We are strange kids....actually we're complete dorks! But we are who we are we have each other and we all know that the second we need anything there is always a listening ear no matter what the seriousness of the issue is!
  What I love most about these girls is how much they support me in the gospel, I mean really! We seem to get into spiritual discussions where ever we go and whatever were doing! Often times every day conversations turn into deep testimony meetings/devotionals....its so amazing! Im so glad for that support.
Besides that they are ALWAYS there for me, I can and do go to them with everything! They have become like my therapists! But laughing over stretchy pants, yellow, and other stupid stuff is the kind of therapy money CAN NOT buy! I love you guys! YOU ARE the best, best friends in the whole wide world

Monday, December 13, 2010


You know, Brother Kidd is an amazing teacher, probably the best. His lessons leave deep impressions on me that I remember and apply to my life always, so today in seminary when he said he wasnt going to be teaching I was very confused! Little did I know that I would be hearing from a different teacher, one who knows me better then myself, one who loves me unconditionally and who knew exactly what I needed to hear!

One of the biggest difficulties I personally have struggled with for as far back as I can remember is forgivness. Recently all of the powers of the advesary had led me to believe that I had truly forgiven everyone who has hurt me, eventually I was even lying to myself.

" I forgive them, but I dont love them" became one of my most common thoughts. Today, however I learned just how wrong that is,and I learned what it means to forgive, forgivness IS love!

That truth can be demastrated ofcourse by Jesus Christ. How many times a day do I offend him? How many tears has he shed on my account and how much pain have I really caused him? And yet, he still loves me.

So how then, can I beleive that I dont owe that same respect to people who have offended me, who I have shed tears on account of and who cause me pain. Just as he suffered for my sins and I can repent, he suffered for their sins and they can repent! He only knows whats in their hearts and why they have made the choices they've made. He will make the final decisions, he will forgive who ever he forgives, but as for me, it is essential that I forgive everyone, regardless of if they're not sorry or if they continue to do the things that I once felt in my little pridful mind, were unforgivable.

Letting go of all of these emotions will be so hard, but I can only imagine how much more grief it causes the lord to see me feel that way and think that way, it has now become MY sin that I in fact, need to repent for. Jesus Christ lives, he suffered every pain so that we could become like him, and today in silence I learned what he meant when he said, "love one another AS I have loved you"

I love seminary, And the beautiful blessing it is in my life!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sweet silver lining.

So Im gonna be honest fot a sec, when I saw that cast list today, Im pretty sure my heart sank into my stomack!  Actulally a little before that when dear parker high fived everyone next to me and then looked at me awkwardly and walked away ( but actually THAT was hilarious and it made my day) Inot making it  was just a little bit disopointing. I had been working really hard and I really wanted it! But this post is not a huge rant about not being good enough or wishing id made it or anything of the sort. This post is about how allie offered to go see tangled with me the second she found out i didnt make it. Its about how no matter what drama is going on in my family, there all there for me the second I need them. And its about the comfort that comes from getting on my knees and saying a prayer. Im not just talking about Seusical rite now. Recentley my life has been a little bit complicated. Ive been stressing and worrying and feeling sad alot lately and I think that in a weird way, the small disopointment of not making the play made me see how blessed I am.
    One night last year I woke up from what was probably one of the harderst things I would ever have to go through, that next morning, I felt so dead, so numb, I didnt want to feel anything anymore because I decided if  I felt nothing I wasnt feeling pain. But fortunatly it was a sunday and I could not ignore the immense prompting that I needed to go to church . Going that day was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I realized that the Lord was always there for me and that night, being the cheesy girl that I am, I made a wish on a star. Do you wanna know what I wished for? I wished that I would always be able to see the good in my life. Im pretty sure that wish can come true whenever I want it too. Im thankful for the mysterious ways in which the Lord works and for this little expirience that I needed and that I grew from. And now I have this awesome little movie moment because as I was wrighting this the perfect little Kate Voegle song came on, its by far one of my favorites:
" I may be week but Im never deafeted and Ill keep defeating the clouds with that sweet silver lining"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dear Kylie...

This is not who you think it is, in fact, this is not Kylie Smith at all! This is Allie Shumway, her third best friend in the whole wide world! I just thought everyone should know how great she is, so I hacked her blog! Anyways, if you don't know how wonderful and great Kylie is, then you should, I mean, its obvious! Here are some of my favorite things about her!
1. Kylie is a beautiful daughter of God who many people look up to, including me.
2. She is one of the very few people cool enough to make up little fantasy worlds with me, like putting our life into Beauty and the Beast!
3. She is beautiful, on the inside and out.
4. She makes everyone feel good about themselves.
5. She finds the good in people, and can never see the faults.
6. Kylie just loves people. Anyone. I mean, she can go outside, find a kid sitting in a tree, and be his friend. (Yep, that happened.)
7. She has great shoes. I love them. Too bad we don't wear the same shoe size.
8. Kylie has opinions that she isn't afraid to share.
9. Kylie is super funny! I can randomly remember things she does days later, and start laughing uncontrollably.
10. She is my sister. Ok, not really, but we like to pretend.
This list is getting really long, and it could go forever, so I should probably just stop at 10. Anyways, I pretty much love her to death! She is amazing! I love your guts deary, and don't ever forget it!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I call her Giselle:)

So there is this beautiful, amazing Gorgous girl named maddie! Some people call her sue, some people call her Madeline and some people call her Madison Ameila, but I call her Giselle. I decided that everyone as wonderful and amazing as her needs some sort of an ode type thing to them so here is my strange attempt:
1. Maddie is a red-head. you guys dont even know how cool that is
2. Shes not just a redhead, shes a short red- head!!
3. She has literally the best taste in music, nobody's ever heard of the bands she listens to but then their amazing!
4. Maddie is so nice and welcoming to everyone.
5. Maddie is like a flipping great dancer!
6.. When she sees parkers face....she wants to throw up, but its even worse when she sees shirleys unattractive muscles!!:)
7. She is the only one who would ever be willing to do weird things with me, like plan all of our friends futures or run through a freak rainstorm screaming and singing!
8.  I could write millions of other things about Maddie!
9. She is an AMAZING friend, and she is always there for me when I need her or even when I just feel like complaining to someone, she gives great advice and is THE best listener!
10. She has an amazing testimony that inspires mine and everyones all of the time! Shes not afraid to share it! And you can tell she knows who she is!
Mads, I love you! Thank you for everything! All i can say is that im pretty blessed to have THE most amazing friends ever!
love, Belle

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hello world, sorry I havnt been paying much attention to you lately. You see, basically all of my thoughts have been about ME, what  I'M struggling with, things, I cant do, problems  I'm having, so on and so forth. we usually think of selfishness as vanity but sometimes its just when you think of nothing but your trials and your own life. I have been pretty selfish lately. I havn't been paying attention to others, or trying to help them out. I live in a bubble. Im used to having the world at my finger tips, I'm used to it being a huge deal if I struggle with a test, if I have drama with friends and family or if I dont,make a dance company or a play. The things I complain about are things that others would rejoice over,because they have had so much worse. I have been having a hard time because I have CHOSEN to have a hard time! We often think of happyness as a destination, we think well be happy as soon as this trial ends, as soon as this person changes, as soon as I get this. or whatever. But the fact is, happyness is not a destination, it is a choice that each of makes every day. We can't control our circumstances, or what happens to us. But we decide how we let it affect us! So today, Im choosing to be happy. Im choosing to be thankful for family members who support me, thankful for the fact that I live in America and enjoy the most comfortable life style possible. Thankful that I have The greatest friends. Thankful for music and movies and other stupid little things that make my day! Thankful for a million other things I take for granted, and over all, thankful that I have the gospel in my life, and despite what I CHOOSE to think at times, I am never alone! Im CHOOSING to be happy, CHOOSING to be greatful, CHOOSING to enjoy my life, and CHOOSING to smile every day!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Confessions of a true blogger nerd!

I have recently learned how addictive blogging is. I was inspired by my dear friend Madison Ameilia Hyde, her blog is great and cool and mine will never compare. Its only been a month since I started this blasted thing and I already think in blog posts, its ridiculous! If anyone is reading this then they know way to much about me! They now that I am a freak! They know about my weird socail events and oh so strange family! You guys, I am sorry! I post way to often I post about anything and everything! And I realize you all probobly so dont care! but I just love blogging and people who have blogs! Its great, it really is!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Another molly post!

In the story of Gethsemene in the bible it says, " And their appearend an angel unto him from heaven strengthening him" ( Luke 22:43) and so you see even jesus needed angels to help him out, no earthly expirience can even kind of compare to his suffering in that garden, but for all of my little minni Gethsemenes I am so gratful that I to have" angels from heaven strengthening me" only I dont call them angels, I call them friends and family.
  to young womens leaders, past and current- thank you for always being there for me and for taking time out of your busy lives to  listen to me, for your oh so great council and beautiful example!
to two former teachers who saw things in me that I didnt even see in myself- thank you, thank you,thank you for  showing me all that I could be and helping me open my heart! You guys are amazing!
To my beautiful second cousin/sister Mckell- I love you! Im so glad that weve had each other through everything! You are a beautiful example to me! Thank you for showing me that you can always find happyness and for all of the wonderful fake shopping!:)
To my efy family- thank you for the expiriences I will never forget and the friendships that made me want to be better!
to my original Br1 ward girls-  Thank you for the unconditional friendship and all of the expiriences that have  truly shaped who I am!
To my ' sisters', mads, als, kay, mandy, and lesha-  Thank you for singing hymns at parties, for pulling our your scrptures during luch and for never being afraid to stand up fpr whats right, and for looking at me like Im an idiot when I question the power of prayer, your amazing examples! love ya!
To my actual   family- thank you for all of your love and all of the laughs, I am truly blessed to have so many amazing cousins, siblings, granparents and aunts and uncles who have always been here for me, I love you all!
 This doesn't even begin to cover how much I love you all and how much you have all really and truly made a difference in who I am! I only hope that I can be half as good to you guys as youve all been to me, I am SOOOO blessed. I hope you guys never question that your amazing, because you are, never question if you can make a difference because you can, and never question that you are angels in every sense of the word! Thank you for helping me through all of my trials and showing me how I should be! I love you, I love you, I love you!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

With No Apparent Beauty that man should him desire

So this Haloween was uniqe indeed! It fell on a sunday and so instead of trick or treating or partying it up, I was at church for not one, or two or even three, but five hours! And strangly everything that has been on my mind lately, every question I've had and everything I needed to hear, was discussed. Today left me with a new perspective of faith, trials, and all that Jesus Christs atonment can do for us.
Sometimes, when hard things happen, we start to feel bad for ourselves, we forget him, and we forget to be gratful for all that he did for us. Is it possible that, someone would be willing to suffer every pain and heart ache, and affliction that we could ever possibly imagine for us? And can his suffering really enable us to become more then we are, to become like he is? YES! Jesus Christ lived, he suffered so much pain, and lonliness and grief far beyond what I can even begin to comprehend, meanwhile praying for the people who were imposing this on him. he prooved that love is real!
we all struggle, we all go through things that seem to be impossible to move on from. But we have to becuse how would we ever hope to be like him if we didn't feel a little bit of what he felt? And how would we excersise faith in him? Faith that he has a plan for us and our lives, faith that he will help us and faith that these afflictions really are for just a small moment.
We knew it wasn't going to be easy, we knew that we would strluggle with family issues or physical pain, or fear or even feeling loved. But we looked up at our hevenley father and decided that we would do it, that we would do it one hundred million times if it meant returning to him, if it meant being like he is.
Im so grateful to have the gospel in my life, Im so glad that I know I can turn to the savior with anything, with no apparent beauty that man should him desire he IS the promised savior to purify with fire!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Dance for stakes!

I have never particularly liked Haloween. I find scary movies and expensive haunted houses some what ridiculous and pointless, and going from house to house in the freezing cold, begging for candy when your a teenager, isn't exactly recreational for me. However, I have a good feeling about this year, because after one night of Haloween partying, I already have so much to blog about!
So most people think of MANDY ESTES and KAYLIE BARTHOLOLMEW as nice, quiet, well behaved, and completely normal girls, I have known for quite some time now that the opposite is true. But I think they showed their true, crazy colors at the stake dance when they showed up as not ghosts, not princesses, not even zombies but cows! COWS... I don't think it gets any more random then that! However they did not stay cows, no no because there were about five million costume changes throughout the evening from fairies, to sailors to nerds to anything else you could ever imagine! I wish you all could have seen the faces of some very surprised young men, when they were asked to dance by gorgous girls who just happen to have hooves:)
However, I did infact encounter some issues, MY PAST IS COMING BACK TO HAUNT ME!! In the past six months it seems as though everywhere I go I come into contact with one of my former loves... the stake dance was no different. I had a very intresting time talking to the main charector in my third grade journal, I particularly enjoyed his opinions on current friends of mine, and his theory's on how he and I know each other.....
Anyways as always, me and my friends party'd it up! Just as usual, we talked about everything! We talked about nothing! We invented some pretty tight dance moves if I do say so myslef and basically I love them with all of my heart, might, mind and strength!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Only me!

hey guys! Just because I know your all dying to know, here are 50 random facts about me!
1. I once broke my foot while watching Miss America.
2. I have really hot ankles!
3. Apparently, I like guys who sing like girls!
4. I LOVE to sing even though I sound like a dying cat when I do!
5.I tend to restate things I say: I do, I really do!
6. I only eat brown eminems just because I saw the guy on the wedding planner do that!
7. My favorite food is letus ( Weird, I know)
8. I asked five of my best friends if I was running for president of the US if they would vote for me, only one said yes! ( I love you Maddie!)
9. I have six sisters all younger then me! ( seven if you count Braden:)
10. This Haloween will be my fifth time being Belle!:)
11. I want to get engaged by the guy pointing at a particular sighn in St. George!:D
12. When my older brother and I were little we wrote songs about his love life!:)
13. One time my two little sisters got chased by a cow in our back yard.
14. I got scared of the kiddy haunted ride at Lagoon last summer!
15. I am a stalker.
16. My favorite colors are yellow and dark blue just because they give me an excuse to take out my frastration at life on my friends ( sorry guys:)
17. I tipped a kayak at girls camp and had to get rescued by a boy in my ward (yes he came to girls camp! CREEPER! jk:)
18. My all time favorite song is dont stop beleving, cheesy, I know.
19. Im basically obsessed with disney movies! Walt disney was a BRILLIANT man!
20. I have every song in High School musical 1 & 2 memorized
21. My bishop told me Hannah Montana is bad!
22. I am a professional dream analyzer!
23. Me and my best friend make popcorn like pioneers!
24. My favorite numbers are 74 and 4..dont ask why!
25. I have to do my mascara whilelaying down!
26. I think everything is Awkward!
27. Me and my cousin like to go to the mall and try on dresses and pretend were bridesmaids!
28. I am TERRIBLE at adgectives!
29. I never talked until fifth grade! ( seriously!)
30. basically, Im in love with Taylor Lautner!
31. I hate not having my nails done or at the very least painted!
32. I am learning how to fish!
33. I love to act ( that doesn't make me talented at it!)
34. I love sleep!
35. My theme song is Hello Beautiful ( for obvious reasons!) jk jk!
36. I accidently got a modeling agent over fall break:)
37. In seventh grade.. I chased the wrong bus!
38. I am a member of " the crew" who's arch nemesis is " The posse":D
39. Im obsessed with Nicholas Sparks!
40. I fell in love with a kid named jmmy just because he gave me wheaties!:)
41. Jimmy is fake.
42.I want to marry a guy with dark skin AND freckles!:)
43. My first impressions of people are almost always wrong!
44. I LOVE lehi more then words can describe!
45. Their is a secret room in my house!
46. One day I WILL be the president of the United States of America!:)
47. I love cheesy chick flicks!
48. I love rock climbing!
49. I'm never serious, so dont take anything I say personally!
50. this is the most important! I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints!,I am a daughter of God and i'm so gratful that I know that!
Well that is probably more then you cared to know! I didnt know their were that many things about me! I promise, Im really not crazy!..well not completely anyway!:)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hiding in the bushes!

So I basically have an amazing life!! Beyond Amazing! But I have one issue. Its a major, major issue! So my entire life has been documented: this has braught much enjoyment to me and others over the last couple of weeks..however I learned something about myself that I did not want to know and that is , just this small fact.. IM. A. STALKER.! A major, major stalker!! Why, oh why did I at age 8 feel the need to write about a certain young mans personal hair style choices? Why did I know about other peoples love lifes!! Why did I have a complete description of my future wedding with someone who didnt even know me from Adam? I dont know! Honestly, I dont!! Since making this discovery I began to realize the totally stalker things I do even still! I do not mean to do these things! Im just naturally a creeper! Ugh please tell me it is normal to talk about a guy friends muscles at 4:01 a.m, please tell me it is normal to notice the width of someones neck! Please tell me its normal to just happen to know where an aquantance who lives no where close to me and is not neccasarily a friend lives! PLEASE tell me it is normal to know exctly where and what time of the week your neighbor goes grocery shopping! I would love to hear that these things are ok..but, I know they are not ok! They are creepy and you should all be closing your blinds just in case!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Only Us!

So , talk to any person on the planet and I'd bet my right hand they will tell you that they have the greatest friends.!.....well I hate to break it to the 99.99999999% of you who aren't me, but FALSE I totally have the greatest friends!! We pretty much random things and we can be super awkward but that is what makes us so amazing!
Well today in flex, a couple of us decided to make a list of fake attractive guys and leave it somewhere so that other people would find it and be very confused.:) Upon entering fourth period I got approached by a person who is unfortanant enough to be in our same grade and deal with us every day! " Kylie", she said, " Do you have a yellow highlighter?" " " No, why" " o.k which one of your friends has a yellow highlighter?", " What are you talking about?" (and then their was this serious dramatic pause as she pulls outTHE LIST! )" I found this, its written in yellow highlighter and Right when I saw it I knew it had to be one of your friends.... Only you guys would do that!".
Sad as it is, she was right only we would do that!!:)