Monday, December 26, 2011

Shut Up Jeff.....

You know those great and epic moments in movies when something huge or dramatic happens and there's that song in the background, magnifying the intensity of the situation? Sometimes, in real life I feel like there should be music sorrounding certain moments. And lately I feel like this great and terrible man named Jeff Leblanc is narrerating my life!  He's become like another conscience to me! Literally every conversation I'm a part of, every decision I make, every good and bad moment I have, the tiny jeff in my mind starts singing,  and he mocks me, and he scares me with how much he knows It's like he's always watching me and rubbing my life in my face with his stupid songs. Except that there's no such thing as a stupid Jeff Leblanc song, because he only sings amazing songs with his amazing voice!!! Thanks Mands for discovering him with me, too bad he couldn't sign my ticket with my lipstick:)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

the night.

So probably you all wouldn't expect this of a major girlie girl diva like me, but I kind of adore the NBA,  more specifically I kind of adore the Utah Jazz:) so when Wendy called me up and invited me too a Jazz scrimmage I didn't hesitate for a brief moment! But sweet naive little me forgot to realize that nights with Wendy, NEVER go as planned!!!
   It all started at Rodezio grill. The most boy-ish Restaurant EVER! Although I didn't dare protest outwardly in front of my dear auntie who was paying.....on the inside I was groaning because who wants to eat all that meat?? But don't worry dear friends, boy restaurant's tend to higher boys, and in the case of this lovely grill it appears they only let the hot ones work there! Syd, Quinn and I may have gawked a lot at "glazed ham man" and even more at  "beefy beef dude" but nobody loved it all as much as our oh so protective and way cooler than us older brother, who was torn between embarrassment and anger, poor kid, he couldn't even enjoy his pineapple!
    So onward we went to probably the most amazing scrimmage in the history of scrimmages! After screaming alot and rejoicing at Jeremy Evans, Enos Kanter and Memo's lovely return. We should have gone home, but NO lets just go to the outward est out door mall called gateway in the 20 degree's of weather and freeze eh? .....lets just say I didn't get home til 1:30 a.m in the morning.
Moral of the story: Wendy is cool and adventures are great...and also the Jazz are going to dominate this year:)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Kaylie Oh Kaylie.....

South America is pretty much the luckiest Continent ever. It gets the immense honor of receiving  a visit from this great little family called the Batholomew's for the next 2 weeks. Yes friends, Kay is going to be gone for TWO WEEKS!!! No big deal rite?, umm HUGE deal! I'm only on day one of my Bartholomew-less time and I'm already on the verge of tears! I have picked up my phone literally fifty six times today with the intention of sending a txt or dialing the number of Miss Laielle, only to realize that my efforts are all in vain, because service will be a non-existent thing for her for the next 14 days, and I will have to laugh at the many things that remind me of her and our lovely private jokes all on my lonesome! I know you are all feeling awful  for me rite about now, because you all know that you would also have a much less jolly Christmas break without your besties too So Miss "BTW I'm leaving tomorrow on a Cruise for two weeks", when you get back and see this you will know that your dear friend loves and misses you VERY much Come back soon and bring me presents!