Saturday, July 30, 2011

It All Ends.

I've felt this  meloncholy feeling before. The feeling that there is a whole in my head and in my heart that was once filled with three little wizards that I love way to much! Three wizards who were fighting off  you know who and playing quitich and all sorts of ultra cool things. I finished the last  book  a year ago and  the only thing I had to keep me from going through Harry withdrawls, was the fact that they were still making movies about his adventures. As of last night, I have  nothing left of Harry Potter to absorb! It is surely the end of an era! Since I was Eight years old, Ive read and watched that magical wizard boy,  As I grew up, so did Harry, Ron and Hermoine ( or however you spell that silly girls name:) . As  dumb and nerdy as this is, I'm going to miss Harry Potter very very much!

( Does this post totally bring out my inner nerd?:)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kell Bell,

Sweetie I miss you more then you'll ever know! I hope I can follow the beautiful example you've set for don't choose your situation but you choose happiness! You inspired me each and every day of your life,  and I wish I could see you now, but dont worry! I'm ok! I know I'll see you soon! Love ya hon!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Its an obsession!

 This one little story called The Last Song   is the epitomy of girlie and ridiculous. It is something that a man can never watch or read because when he does, his man gets ground up  into a million little bits! I'm sorry Nicholas Sparks! But you have no man card! You wrote this great and terrible story that's all about love and life a relationships. I would not recomend it to any man and am a little embarresed to admit how throroghly intriged I am with that story.. But because I am a girl  and am girlie and ridiculous and I get all kinds of bored on these slow summer days, I open it up time after time and read it over and over! I did that again last night... I read it for what has to be the millionth time. I spent seven hours of my life staring at the words on the pages of the book and another two watching the movie. In case you were wondering......I cried many times during both. I shouldn't love it as much as I do. I shouldn't secretly wish that I could walk along the beach with Will and go to Megan's super formal wedding. I also shouldn't go into a depression every time I read or watch Steve's death . But in the deepest, most secretive corner of my heart, All I want is for Ronnie and will to stay together and all I want is for Jonah not cry! Even more than that...ALL I want is Will Blakelee!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Life Comes At Ya Fast!!!

Catipillar in the you wonder what you'll be............
Once upon a time Kimmee, Kj, Colby, Britney, Jeff, Corbin ,Kade and I were just little kids. We played on grandpa's unusually large trampoline and ran from various animals in the feild. Now, Kjirsten is a married woman, and just a few months away from being a mom too! Jeff is one of the top ranked volly ball players in the world! They have come a long way from being those kids I used to know.   In a year my brother will be moved out of the house and on his own. You have no idea how strange that feels.
        I too, am growing up faster then I ever could have imagined. In a month and a half I will walk into Lehi high school. HIGH SCHOOL! Remember being little and watching movies about high school, thinking that those kids were so grown up? Well how come I dont Feel so grown up? How come the idea of driving and dating scares the jeepies out of me!!! It does!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

mmk! It wasn't ALL spiritual! luv ya Bull River Ward!

OK! Having basically my own blog and bantering about my life is kind of extremely dorky! But I decided I feel fine about that simply because So many great and marvelous things have happened in my life at girls camp! They DESERVE to be blogged about! But there is also the fact that nobody else really cares and will most like question my sanity Nevertheless I just might die if I don't say.....
Anne my darling, you are HUMOROUS :)...Na'ama tells really cool clam stories....(they are much funnier at 1 a.m) ( All You have to do is love me....AWW)...     HILLARY WEEKS IS AT MY GIRLS CAMP! ....  watermelon Greens are....edible!(Cera and I had a Watermelon named Gracumber:)   Laurel really is a lawyer...sometimes, she even swears:)...Hey Becky Childs, lets do the hustle on account of we're eating breakfast right now! Testimony meeting in the pavilion? nah do it in the kitchen!  avilion?....nah! lets    EPINS!!!!!... Mom strict leader lady!!!!....My mom... she loves me!Your mom's a Nazi???!!!!Did you just throw the bread at me?!  I've  got a feeling, that tonight's going to be a good night!....I love your eyebrows!   Girls, don't forget to put ice in (yeah:)-Cheryl I LOVE YOU!
( And So much more!!!!! we are B.R we are B.R we are B.R ONE!!!!!!!!!! I sure love you guys!!!!)