Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Remember this???

Miss Kylie, I think you just might need to take a page out of your own book!!! Seven months ago I wrote that post with a goal. I promised my self to have faith, real faith and trust in God and his plans. But then life hit and I completely forgot to do that! I forgot that Kylie doesn't get to control what happens, no matter how much she wants to! I forgot that everything happens for reasons I don't get to know yet. The future is a beautiful, unpredictable place, and even though I don't know when or how everything I'm struggling with is going to get sorted out, I know God loves me and he'll make it happen some how:)

Hey You.

                                           Hey you.......

Yes you. Stop being unhappy with yourself. You are perfect. Stop wishing you looked like someone else or wishing people like you as much as they like someone else. Stop trying to get attention from those that hurt you. Stop hating your body, your face, your personality, your quirks. Love them. Without those things you wouldn't be you. And why would you want to be anyone else? Be confident with you who you are. Smile. It'll draw people in. If anyone hates you because you are happy, don't waste your sweet time on them. My happiness will not depend on others anymore. I'm happy because I love who I am. I love my flaws. I love my imperfections. They make me me. And "me" is pretty amazing.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

My One Desire!

See that beauty of a man at the end? His name is Nick Carter, his name is also Kylie's soul mate! It was basically love at first sight when I watched this video at the age of six. I don't know why Cupid is taking so long to introduce us,  but I know when he does, Nick will feel our love instantly and he will serenade me with this wonderous song! haha I love the Backstreets with all that I am!:)

Monday, September 19, 2011

The beauty queen.....

See that hottie-bo-dottie in the middle there? yeah that woman of astonishing beauty is--well technically she's my aunt but as the word aunt implies some sort of distantly related chick who you see once a month at family dinners and who only calls you on your birthday....aunt is really the wrong word.  For blogging purposes I will call her my older sister, in all reality thats what she is! The big sister I never had!:) now, the purpose of this blog is not to decifer her title, it's to tell you how amazing and wonderful that woman is! I mean literally she is kind of the epitome of greatness! How many of you have aunts who take you to disneyland...twice. and pay for everything? How many of you have aunts who give you wicked tickets and allow you to invite friends to come along just for fun...and how many of you have aunts that invent really cool jokes and are just plain a blast to be around? I DO! I love that woman to death and I don't know where I would be if she wasnt there for me! So Wendy, I just wanted to say thank you! Thank you for taking all of my phone calls and for making my days so much brigheter! Thank you for filling my childhood with so many memories and for loving me so unconditionally! And thank you for letting me see your Miss Universe pagent VIA facebook it made my life. the end.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Stalking in the first degree.

My name is Kylie and I am a stalker. Not a followy...hiding in the bushes creeper stalker. Just a mild stalker. A blogger stalker to be specific. I realize that if those whom I was stalking realized my presence on their website, they may  feel very creep ed out. Those  poor blog author's may never know about the strange teenager who reads the writings of friends of friends of friends..Continuously clicking on names under blog lists until she can no longer remember how she got there in the first place.... Poor friends of mine...their every move and thought that has been documented via blogger is probably etched into my head permanently.  But I can't help it! Blogs of friends...blogs of strangers...I find them all fascinating gems that ought to be explored. After all what good is a blog that goes unread? 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Some sunshine:)

 Right now, I am is pretty cool! My team just won another game! ( considering my team is Lehi and we didn't win a single game for two years...that is a very big deal!:) and besides that, did you know I have a little sister who stays up with me until 2:00 a.m watching whinnie the Pooh? And another one who goes " Hotty boy hunting" with me via TV? ( The boy crazy one is only look out future studs:) tee hee midnight jam sessions with my self and Harry-Potter-themed wars in P.E basically make me go out of control and crazy....not that im ever in control or normal but it gets even worse! i love Lehi, and purple microphones...I love Tangled and the magical qualities Repunzel's hair possesses and I love girl talk ( Thanks Chanel:) Evidently  I just love  my life and everything and everyone in it!

            "The weather doesn't have to be nice for your life to be filled with sunshine" :) :) :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011


So lately, I've been feeling bad for myself alot, counting the things I dont have instead of counting my blessings. I've been a mess, blaming others for why I'm feeling the way that I am, and hiding under a rock instead of living my life, all because of some ridiculous little family complaints and high school drama.  Meanwhile: my cousing Brandon, "Paka" Wade who was diagnosed with autism when he was two, has been dealing with something much worse than I could ever even imagine. In June Brandon fell off of a bus in the middle of a highway, he was hospitalized, and his mind was further damaged. He has basically had to start over and re-learn everything he has been working on his whole life. I'm sure you can imagine how hard this would be on him and his family,given that teaching him was already an extremely difficult task before the accident. Even so,  the Wade's are tough, they still keep optimism and faith and never stop to feel bad for themselves or complain. I love him and his family so much and they are truely great examples and hero's in my eyes!  READ THIS

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A little fish in a big pond

Once upon a time, I was six years old, I had a super great babysitter who was a sophmore in high school, every day I would ask her any question my little mind could conjure up about boys, lockers, dances and everything else that seemed cool and glamerous about teenage life. I could barely wait to start high school, I just wanted to grow up, to walk in big high school hallways and have teenage responsibilities.  Fast forward nine years, now I'm here, telling little girls I babysit about the life of a Lehi high school tenth grader, a life which I only just started last week. High school definatly isn't the dreadful  place my parents make it out to be, but it's certainly not glamorous and easy either. This thing which is often associated with high school called peer pressure is more prevelent in my life then I ever would have dreamed. It's a constant battle within myself. Should I do what I'm being told is fun and OK by  "cool" people and cute boys, just lower the standerds I've set for myself a tiny little bit so that I feel accepted and approved of...or should I just walk away and stand alone instead of standing with people who want me to change? It sounds like an easy answear on paper, but when your in a classroom our at a party it seems impossible to make the choices you want to make.
  Today, I was reminded kindly by a young man I have always admired, that it's not ok to change who you are for anyone elses benefit. The best friends you could ever ask for are the ones, that have the courage to wak away, the ones who only want to build you up and who would never dream of drinking or dressing immodestly or even swearing. Today as I sat around a familliar tree, I knew for a fact, that those are the kind of friends that I have, and the only kind of friends who are true friends, I hope I can become more like them as continue to get through these next few years:)