Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tighten up:):)

I love the Black even more than I Love Lucy and  the color yellow. If you didn't know, that is ALOT:)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Brand new year!

Ok friends, here it is, my first post of 2012! There is so much I want to say! Sometimes, I think that new years is magical! Scratch that! I know that it's magical, because on new years the feeling in the air is a feeling that the world could use alot more of and that is hope. Hope for a different year and a brighter tomorrow and a better life. Looking back on 2011. I defiantly have alot of regrets, but the great thing is, they're the rite kind of regrets. That means that looking back on all my mistakes, I can honestly say that I learned something from all of them and I know not to do the same things on 2012. I can't wait to see all that's going to happen during this marvelous year! I hope that I can be a better neighbor and friend and family member and just plain a better me! I don't know my resolution yet, but one thing I do hope is that I will apply this quote by dear christpher robin,
" always remember that you are smarter than you think and braver than you believe and stronger than you think"