Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hello world, sorry I havnt been paying much attention to you lately. You see, basically all of my thoughts have been about ME, what  I'M struggling with, things, I cant do, problems  I'm having, so on and so forth. we usually think of selfishness as vanity but sometimes its just when you think of nothing but your trials and your own life. I have been pretty selfish lately. I havn't been paying attention to others, or trying to help them out. I live in a bubble. Im used to having the world at my finger tips, I'm used to it being a huge deal if I struggle with a test, if I have drama with friends and family or if I dont,make a dance company or a play. The things I complain about are things that others would rejoice over,because they have had so much worse. I have been having a hard time because I have CHOSEN to have a hard time! We often think of happyness as a destination, we think well be happy as soon as this trial ends, as soon as this person changes, as soon as I get this. or whatever. But the fact is, happyness is not a destination, it is a choice that each of makes every day. We can't control our circumstances, or what happens to us. But we decide how we let it affect us! So today, Im choosing to be happy. Im choosing to be thankful for family members who support me, thankful for the fact that I live in America and enjoy the most comfortable life style possible. Thankful that I have The greatest friends. Thankful for music and movies and other stupid little things that make my day! Thankful for a million other things I take for granted, and over all, thankful that I have the gospel in my life, and despite what I CHOOSE to think at times, I am never alone! Im CHOOSING to be happy, CHOOSING to be greatful, CHOOSING to enjoy my life, and CHOOSING to smile every day!

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