Sunday, October 30, 2011


" Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain"

Do you wanna know a fact about my life?? The fact is that I tend to be something of a whiner! Crying about things that are out of my control, feeling sorry for my self and being extremely pessimistic! My poor friends hear the "woe is me" stories everyday of their lives! Why they put up with it I will never understand!!! I am like a little kid who cries over the one toy she doesn't have instead  of the billions of toys she does have!! Today however, I learned a lesson from a dear friend of mine named Noah, it's a lesson that I, for some reason have to keep learning over and over again, and it's called  faith! Just like Cinderella was a slave in her own home, just like Belle was forced to live with a beast, just like Rapunzel had to live with an evil witch, I will have my trials, but I believe that someday, some how, I'll find my happily ever after! Until then, I will find the joyous things in my life and be happy because of them! 
Today I am happy that: I have two legs and arms that work, I have a roof over my head, I own Disney movies,  I live in America, and I get to play in the leaves with my dear sisters. What more could you ask for in life? :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Missing this.....

Here we are nearing November and yet my heart is still stuck in the summer days I spent with Noah, Brice, Alaina, Jazzy, Mark, Andrew, Mo, and Lys! Poor Mandy! She hears about how much I love   these guys every single time I get a text from Noah or a letter from Laina! They say time heels all, but really the more time passes, the more I miss these wonderful peeps!  I don't think a day goes by that I don't reflect on the lessons I learned on BYU campass, and the friends who I made and now miss beyond words!!! I love you forever and always my amazing Mountains without hands comp! ( especially you Chad:)

PS: This is jam packed with crazy ISJ's...don't attempt to understand, you never will:)

                                           I LOVE THESE GIRLS!! ( and no Chad you may not have our smoothies!:)
They both held hands! (but not with each other:) ps: Mark you wear cool shirts!
 Brad Willcox!!! He was so cool, we skipped our entire lunch to get into his class and our entire free time to get pictures with him!:)

                             Bryce, Bryce Bryce! Do you remember our walks of silence? I do:)
                                        Hey your hot! Wanna take a picture with us? :)

I love you guys! Always and Forever and Forever!!!

I guess the fact that she's blonde means she's worthy of a poem written by The Chadenator:)

                                                   Laina Baina and Jazzie!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!

Oh......hey Noah:)

baha lets go back for 2012 my dear friends...and this time, we WILL be called mountains without hands:)

Monday, October 24, 2011

The War......

Don't you find this picture attractive?? After all whats not to love about the hundred-year old cold corpse of a man who watches Bella sleep??? baha Sydney Ann, I think you lose this one!


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Bloggers Block

 My brain is telling me that I should  write to you of all the wonderful and amazing happenings in my life, but my fingers won't spill out the worlds! I just sit  behind my computer screen staring blankly as countless posts get stuck with the Draft sticker. It makes no sense! One whole year and 110 posts of documenting my life via blogger and I've forgotten how to blog????  I think I have forgotten!! And so I am still here at 1:00 AM still trying to produce a passage of worth, but still failing! Good thing it's fall break and I can sleep to my hearts content tomorrow:)

Monday, October 17, 2011

You and Me:)

So I know Ive been posting a ton of music video's lately...that is because there is nothing going on in my life that is more exciting or intresting than the amazing songs I'm posting. For those of you who don't know about the band called Parachute...learn of them! They are amazing! Their attractive lead singer and wonderful songs have basically earned them the very esteemed honor of being Kylie's favorite band....they have even risen above Mae, and we all know that's pretty hard to do:) I hope you enjoy these bicycling men as much as I do.:)

Monday, October 10, 2011

My Kind of perfect:)

Oh David, why are you such a stud muffin? :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Be a blessing :)

You all know that I'm quite a lazy girl. I really do mean to do my homework rite when I get home from school, but unexpected events always prevent me from doing such...unexpected events such as a friend coming over...or a song on the radio or a wonderful TV program thats just to good to pass up! That happend on sunday..I'm sure my Geometry homework would have been  a splendid way to spend my time, but Little People Big World was on and watching small people heard cattle is just to entertaining to not watch. I'm sure greatful for that distraction! It truely changed my whole perspective! One of the children of that show, Zac Rauloff to be exact was asked what he wanted to be. He replied " I want to be a blessing." Those poor camera men were very confused. they told him he didn't understand the question, to that he said " thats what I want to be..... a blessing. Someone that others thank God for every day, someone who leaves everyone better then I found them and someone who changes the world one person at a time." Now, I dont cry. I never even shed a tear at girls camp, but that rite there had even my mascara running. I hope one day I'll be an answear to a prayer, I hope one day people feel like they are better for knowing me and I hope one day when I'm gone people can say, " Kylie was a blessing."