Sunday, October 21, 2012

White as snow.

Last week, I sat around a familiar tree, with a familiar group of people. Because these people are all 16 years of age, the topic often circles back to that of driving. Each time we reach that conversation, I wait for the jab or mocking glare from P skousen. You see, he's seen me make some of the most terrible mistakes a driver can make and he's not very keen to let me forget them. But even, that left-side-of-the-road-can't-find-the-stop-sign incident he witnessed, was absolutely nothing compared to the many mistakes my father has seen me make in a motor vehicle.

The other day, I made such a mistake while backing out. Yet again i had caused damage to his car and I had done everything my very patient dad has repeatedly taught me not to do. When I talked to him about it a few seconds later, I fully expected there to be well deserved anger and frustration in his tone.

Instead, he just told me how to fix the problem, let me know everything was going to be okay, and even, gave me back the keys and let me try again.

My earthly father, was an absolutely beautiful representation of our heavenly father!

We all make mistakes, do things he has specifically taught us not to do, and sometimes, we even repeat mistakes from our pasts.

When we do, our father is not there to condemn us. He's not there to taunt us, or to make us feel inadequate because of our short-comings. just like my dad, he is there to love us, to remind us of the way back, and to help us start over when we fall short of the people we should be.

As someone who has fallen short countless times in my life time, I can testify that repentance is real. It is real because of our elder brother, Jesus Christ. No matter how far we feel we've strayed, how many ways we feel we have sinned, or how hopeless we feel we are, we will never sink below Jesus christ' atonement, or below our eternal father's perfect love for us.

I am so grateful to have this gospel in my life. And so grateful for the forgiveness which is constantly bestowed on me from my earthly family as well as from my heavenly parents!

The church is true guys. Know it. Live it and love it, because he loves you, I promise!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Heyyy Mattie Jane.....

Today, I found a really cute, worn out little Teddy bear. It reminded me of 1st grade.. And 3rd grade..and 7th grade! You see, so many of my most amazing memories are wrapped up in that thing! Just like theyre wrapped up in songs about cantelope, and in failed sledding adventures,and in the fray and high heels, and St.. George trips, but mostly, just, in you my dearest Mattie Jane cilvia guam Irish!! Growing up by your side has been an absolute delight and a pleasure! I can't believe how much we've made it through together, and I can't wait until we are crazy old ladies! You will probably chase me around the nursing home trying to hit me with your Kane! But I wouldn't have you any other way! You will always be my 74th cousin, and one of my dearest friends in this world! And I love you!

....just sayin.....